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What is NFT?
An NFT (non-fungible token) is a unique digital item stored on a blockchain. NFTs can represent almost anything, and serve as a verifiable proof of ownership.
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier that cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, that is recorded in a blockchain, and that is used to certify authenticity and ownership.[1] The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded. NFTs can be created by anybody, and require few or no coding skills to create
How do NFTs work?
NFTs operate on blockchain technology. The blockchain is basically a large, digital, public record/ledger. What is minting an NFT? “Minting” an NFT is the process of writing a digital item onto the blockchain. This establishes its immutable record of authenticity and ownership.
What is the purpose of minting?
You may have heard people ask, “Why can’t I just screenshot an NFT?”. Minting an NFT makes it ownership and authenticity verifiable. When you mint an NFT, it becomes stored on the blockchain, where its authenticity and ownership is established. And because the blockchain record can’t be edited, minting is the start of that NFT’s immutable history.
How to mint on Artgobbley?
Minting on Artgobbley is quite simple, all you need to do is fund your Artgobbley account with the required fee in ETH to mint your artwork. After your account is funded your arts which are paid for gets approved.
You can proceed to tap on the approved art work and scroll to the bottom where you’d find a pay mint fee button.
Tap on the “pay mint fee” button and you’re good to go, your arts will be minted and listed on the Artgobbley marketplace available for purchase.
How to buy an NFT on Artgobbley?
In order to buy an NFT, you'll need a crypto wallet and cryptocurrency (Ethereum) and then fund your Artgobbley wallet with the required amount of ethereum funds needed for your purchase to get started. Using Artgobbley, you can buy items listed for sale instantly, bid in auctions, or make offers on any NFTs.
Is connecting my wallet to Artgobbley secure?
Just like your physical wallet, your crypto wallet is secure as long as you don’t compromise it. When you creating your wallet on Artgobbley, you only give us permission to “view the addresses of your permitted accounts”, meaning we can’t take anything out of your wallet.
I brought an NFT from someone, but I think I was scammed. what happened?
One of the best things about web3 is that anyone can transact with anyone else anonymously. Unfortunately, that also applies to scammers. While we immediately ban any confirmed scammers from our platform, web3 is permissionless.
The best way you can keep yourself from getting scammed is doing your due diligence and research on anyone you buy or trade NFTs with.
The security of our users is our priority we therefore put in more measures to ensure safety of all users.
What is Artgobbley privacy and policy?
What are Artgobbley mint policies?
For multiple sales, it’s set at a minimum of 10 mints at once.
Set also at 5 mint for under 10 intended sales at a go.